Home at last!

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January 9th 2006
Published: January 9th 2006
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After 3 relatively uneventful flights, we're home at last. :-) I say relatively uneventful because I did learn some things - never transfer flights in Vietnam. Its really an odd experience. They had us sit in a corner and wait until the staff could come to us rather than go to them. Nobody would tell us what was going on and no one smiled other than one of the China Airlines officials. I also learned that flying with Athena requires medication - both for her (she gets so horribly anxious its amazing) and for me to deal with it! :-)

I've posted some pictures with the former blogs that I copied from Athena. After I have my camera fixed, I'll see if I can get mine posted too. :-)

Its wonderful to be home back with my kids and my cats and near all of you. Many thanks to Monica for picking Samantha up at the airport and looking after her until I got back. And special thanks to Mike for making my homecoming so much nicer to come home to a full refridgerator and a clean house. MWAH! to both of you.

Its back to work tomorrow - with a bit of a new attitude. Looking forward to getting caught up!

Best wishes,


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