About to start my journey

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August 23rd 2006
Published: August 23rd 2006
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So today it is officially 8 days until my Study Abroad begins. I am so nervous! But also really excited. The new airline regulations have me all in a tizzy, but I'm just glad that I do not have to fly through London. I will fly from here to Newark, and then to Rome! 😊 I am very excited because on the day I land, it will be my birthday and I will have so many fabulous things to celebrate: being in Rome (of course...), beginning my study abroad, and my birthday!

Any tips before I leave?


1st September 2006

Blessings to you!
Dear Mary Margaret, Sorry we wont be able to celebrate your birthday with you but know that your friends here at St. Martin's are keeping you in our thoughts and prayers. Blessings for a safe, fun filled study abroad session. Also we will raise a toast to you on your birthday and look forward to a welcome home celebration upon your return. We Love Our Mary Margaret!!!!! PS I have the BBQ Picture if you want to use it on your Blog. LOL
2nd September 2006

Hey...Hope you got there safe. Miss you already.

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