Believe the hype.

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July 19th 2009
Published: July 19th 2009
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The grand canyon is impressive. Very impressive. And enormous. Enormous and impressive. 

There's no way to take in the whole thing, or even wrap your head around the whole thing, while you're standing at the rim. Is the width most startling? Or the depth? The age? It's a combination I think. And it's not just big and ugly. The colors of the rocks, the winding paths, vegitation and wildlife, the huge Colorado river that looks like a babbling brook from that elevation - this place is awe inspiring. 

We finally got somewhere on time, and immediately split into man group and woman group. The ladies went to the general store while the men pitched the tents and got the grill going.

Nachos, ribs, black beans, salad and beers: a proper camping feast cooked AND eaten during daylight. 

Campfire, s'mores, mmr on the gee-tar, more beers. Everything camping should be. 

Oh, and no bears, but we did (all 6 of us) get pooped on by an hayuge raven perched in the tree above our fire pit. I hear that's good luck. I don't need good luck that badly. 

Spent the next morning/afternoon checking out the canyon, touring the rim in amazement.  

Now we're on the road to sedona. We're not going to make it there in time to do much, but we have to pass through anyway, so it's worth a look. 


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