Day 3 - L.A. to Flagstaff

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October 10th 2019
Published: October 11th 2019
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Mom and JustinMom and JustinMom and Justin

Enjoying the deck on our L.A. apartment.
Mom: Long day. We got up early and were sad to leave our beautiful place in Hollywood Hills, but the adventure was about to begin. I personally was rather happy to finally get out of the crazy L.A. traffic. We set Waze with our destination and followed where it led. Went north a good bit first, then eventually wound up on I-40. I told Justin we could technically now shut off all GPS tracking, as all we need to do is follow 40 home. This was our longest leg. About 7 hours to Flagstaff. Beautiful drive! The traffic and mountains gave way to more mountains and scrubby bushes. A few things were different than my expectations: I thought the mountains would give way faster, but we were in mountains pretty much all day today. Beautiful!! I also thought it would be more desolate, but we always had companions on the road. I was surprised to see so many trains off in the distance. Very dry. Very barren. Plants/trees we don't see in TN. Things got more interesting as we got closer to Flagstaff. I didn't realize it was so high! We're above 7,000 feet. Much cooler and the desert shrubs yielded

Beautiful hills and mountains along the drive.
to beautiful pine trees! I was surprised to see signs to look out for deer. And moose/elk? It was a picture of an animal with big antlers. Don't know my western animals. Sadly, we didn't see any, although I was hoping. We crossed the Colorado River and moved up up up to Flagstaff. Much cooler than we expected (and packed for). Nice dinner next door at an Italian restaurant then settled in. Mom has a few hours of work while J watches a John Wick movie. I think we're doing Sedona tomorrow, but who knows. That's the fun of no plans!! Stay tuned....

Justin: Had trouble sleeping last night. Enjoyed the view from our apartment one last time. I was sad to leave it. I was ready for the long drive. It took a long time to get out of L.A. Traffic there is horrible. I wanted to go to In and Out Burger, but we couldn't get to it. We saw a lot of mountains, desert, and weird plants. Lots of unfamiliar grounds we're not used to in TN. I drove a little then rested, I can't lie. Finally got to our hotel in Flagstaff. We stepped out
Lunch on Route 66Lunch on Route 66Lunch on Route 66

Wagon Wheel restaurant for lunch on classic Route 66
of the car to a very odd smell. We're trying to figure out what it is. I read that after it rains, the rain picks up a weird oil off the plants and spread it through the air. We're trying to figure out if that's it. We had really good Italian food for dinner. I really like Arizona to be honest. Great scenery, and Arizona has cute girls. I'm excited to live a day in Arizona and not sure what we're doing tomorrow, but I'm sure it'll be fun.

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Beautiful windmills early into Arizona. This photo doesn't give credit to how huge these were!
Colorado RiverColorado River
Colorado River

We crossed over the CO River. It happened to fast I could barely get a photo!
Arizona SunsetArizona Sunset
Arizona Sunset

Saw this gorgeous sunset walking to dinner in Flagstaff.

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