The beginning...........

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November 6th 2006
Published: November 6th 2006
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Jesus, what a few days it's been! Didn't exactly start great when Paul went into HSBC in reading to get a new card to find out that they'd actually closed his account! No time to sort it though, had to catch the plane, so had a mad time before trying to get all money found and in the right place! But just to make him feel better dave left his card at dixons in heathrow, so we're both a bank account down. Had a seriously long flight (10.5 hours), sat next to a really old bloke who just seemed to have a permanamt leak of gas from his arse - reeked all the way there! Landed in LAX for about 6pm, and headed across to the LA greyhound station, which by the way seems to be the meeting ground for every convict, gang leader and crazy bloke in LA. Kinda summed it up waiting to collect our ticket, first yank we spoke to was just very proud that he'd just got out of prison a few hours ago! We were happy to get out of the station with our lives! Had to sit and wait for about 4-5 hours too, shattered, but definately far too terrified to sleep in there! Finally got on the coach at about midnight and had our first sleep in 24 hours, not the best though with crazy black ladies yelling everything on her mind! 8 hours later we got to Phoenix just in time to hop another greyhound to flagstaff! Sunrise over the arizona desert was absolutely stunning, needed sleep but had to just stare out the window! Got to Flagstaff absolutely shattered, so we did what anyone would do - found a bar and beer. Ended up chatting with the manager who bought us beers and everyone in there had advice about the grand canyon! Gotta shoot - will finish this later, having an awesome time though,

Wish you were here!


7th November 2006

Lies! Lies and slander!
You don't wish we were there, you are enjoying rubbing it in! I had a weird dream about you drinking in a bar last night and it made me jealous for about 10 seconds untill I rolled over and had some sex

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