Getting Settled In

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May 8th 2005
Published: May 12th 2005
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Moose Grazing In YardMoose Grazing In YardMoose Grazing In Yard

This picture doesn't do justice to how big moose are, but you can see they're so tall they have to kneel to graze.
Laura finally got up here with Jaeden right before Easter. We were separated for about two week, but it was hard because we didn't know how long we would be separated. Now that she's up here things are GREAT!

We found a church through my company XO (executive officer). We've already met a few families in the neighborhood that we hang out with. I bought an old Jeep Cherokee with big tires and a two inch lift. The movers finally brought the last of our stuff on yesterday. Last but certainly not least, Jaeden is starting to say a few words and stand on her own (for a few seconds). Can anyone guess what her first word was? Da-da, of course!!!

This place is amazing. Truly God's creativity is on display here. The mountain seem to shoot strait up out of the ground. The views are awesome. Our back window looks out at the Chugach mountain range. The sun rises about 5 am and doesn't fully set until after 11 pm. In June it doesn't really get dark at all. The sun is up for 19 hours and there are 5 hours of twilite.

And the MOOSE! They're
Jaeden Learns to EatJaeden Learns to EatJaeden Learns to Eat

She's so graceful.
crazy. They come right up into your yard. The other day I walked out of my front door to take Dakota out and she started barking before we got all the way out. There was a moose 10 feet away. I barely got her back inside. Moose kill people every year, so you have to give them their space. If there's one on your front steps you just have to wait for him to leave. On Saturday, we were grilling out and a moose chased us away from our barbecure. He walk right up to the grill before loosing interest and leaving. By the way if you have never seen a real moose. Take your mental image and add 2 feet and 500 pounds. They're huge.

As far as the Army goes, we really like it now that I'm done with my initial training. I can spend so much more time at with the family. Teaching was great but it was so busy. I got a "job" with the battallion scouts who are for the most part the smartest, fittest, most experienced infantrymen in the battalion. It's great because it is a more profession atmosphere where they expect you
Jaeden Discovers Speed EatingJaeden Discovers Speed EatingJaeden Discovers Speed Eating

A chip of the old block ;-)
to think on you own. The guys are great. Anthony Murphy is here to in the same platoon. He was the another platoon guide from my basic training company and was the guy I barely beat out for soldier of the cycle. He's already a good friend.

Well, hopefully our next post will have some exciting stories of hiking, fishing, glacier climbing, or the like.

Intresting Alaska Fact #2: Alaska has about 10 MILLION lakes. That's about 16 lakes per person. Kind of makes the "Land of a Thousand Lakes," (Minnesota) look not so impressive.

God bless you all.


13th May 2005

Thanks for the update! It is so great to see pictures! I miss you guys all so much. I pray for you always, please pray for me... lots of decisions coming down the pike. - Amy-Beth

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