Buen Viaje

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October 16th 2007
Published: October 16th 2007
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Buen Viaje which literally means good travels. We have been here about two weeks and have a few more to go. We have had some really, really rainy weather but that is what happens when your at the Caribbean coast during hurricane season. The rain has been awesome with heavy, hot and windy down pours, how liberating to the soul. These crazy storms would be called squalls by the proper sailor. Everyday is another day in paradise as you look out and see the sea and all it’s magical colors and tones even with heavy, dark cloud cover. With all the waves and churned up seas snorkeling has only happened once, however it is perfect weather for boogie boarding and boy are we enjoying the “like totally tubular” waves we have surfed with my uncles body boards. This weather also helps for a very relaxing and needed vacation time that is filled with reading, writing, creativity, guitar playing, games, Spanish and well happy hour of course! We have also been day dreaming of the possibilities that lie ahead of us after we leave here and what kind of adventures we can get ourselves into. One would be to find a boat (sail of course) heading south of here and catching a ride with them. Who knows where they are going ideally we could get to Livingston Guatemala or well if they are going somewhere really cool why not go where they are going. Timing would be right too because in a few weeks we will be past hurricane season and the currents are taking boats and sailors south for the winter. Todo es possible en la vida as my good friend Sarah would say which means anything is possible in life. If that plan does or doesn’t work another idea is to stay and work in Guatemala for a few months we have received word from a friend about a possible job or volunteering work with kids in Antigua. It would also be a good location for climbing active volcanoes and doing trekking or guiding work and for taking some Spanish courses. So it seems anything is possible right now in life we just have to figure out what is speaking to us. One thing is for certain and that is that even though we are enjoying a relaxing vacation by the sea we are both a bit excited to start getting involved with people and not being a tourist. We have lots to learn and many experience awaiting us what ever we decide to do next. We look forward to reading all your comments as we go and if we aren’t good at responding to all of them know we receive them and love every one of them it is just hard to respond to every single one when your are paying for your time on the computer. LOTS OF LOVE TO EVERYONE, Nat and TIM .

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16th October 2007

Enjoying Your Blog
You two really know how to breathe in life's experiences. Whichever breeze you catch, be safe and know you're loved......and don't forget to write for those of us that need your adventure too.
16th October 2007

Yeah, nice tones there guys...
...you have 'color' in the sky, we have it in the tree's:-) Snow was on-the-peaks 1st of October. Might be a 'wild' winter here! Keep warm---hahaha!
17th October 2007

Todo es alimento para el corazon
Gracias por tus palabras tan bellas. I love to hear you thinking forward. I have been pondering the notion of opening one's heart to receive whatever comes with each day. Each person we meet brings us something--some revelation of creation and goodness. Even the bearded fellow at the auto body shop the other day who was telling me jokes when I was trying to read a book, I had to catch myself and ask--what gift does this soul have for me today? I am still pondering that one, but my heart is open. I look forward to hearing what gifts come your way. Yo mudda
18th October 2007

I love distraction
Hello Loves! Thank you for the sweet distraction... (I should be studying....as I am hidin out in da library as we speak) Howeva, I am ever so stoked that all is well and look forward to hearing about the next adventures. OH, Miss Nat think of me manana for I will be doing my capsizing drill for my sailing class.....one word....cold. Luv you guys!!
19th October 2007

no need to reply, we're loving your updates, and sharing in your adventures. Good wishes finding crew space on a great boat. Love, lars, anne, karianna, kai
22nd October 2007

Thanks for sharing your wonderful adventure with all of us! We look forward to the updates. Have fun and take care! Linda

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