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May 10th 2007
Published: May 10th 2007
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Well the first leg of our journey is nearly over. We leave for Los Angeles this afternoon, where we have 3 days then we fly to Tahiti where we have another 3 days. Then finally onto Queenstown, New Zealand and job hunting straight away. If we cant find jobs then you all may be seeing us alot sooner than you had hoped.

We are currently in Isla Mujeres, a beautful island off Mexicos coast, by Cancun. We have been chilling here for 5 days, working on our tans. We popped over to Cancun yesterday, so glad we never stayed there. Very overpriced and the beaches werent very good at all.

Before here we spent a week in Playa del Carmen, a really nice resort just south of cancun. The beaches where stunning, so many nice bars and places to eat. We did nothing but relax on the beach and more chilling.

We also spent a week in Caye Caulker, Belize. Another stunning little island. Everyone speaks english, which is really weird because we have been used to TRYING to speak spanish for the last 3 months. Taxis on the island are golf carts, the vibe on the island is to chill, there are signs up everywhere saying "go slow mon".
Here we went on a 3 day sailing cruise south to a town called Placencia. 3 days of sunbathing, snorkelling and a bit of fishing and drinking shit loads of rum punch. The first night we slept on a really small island, our group was the only people on there. The island was about 30 metres long and 20 wide, with just a hut in the middle. I felt like Robinson Crusoe. The sunset and sunrise where gorgeous. It was un'BELIZE'able. I couldnt BELIZE it was so beautifull. haha, you see what ive done there, clever ay.

Before here we spent a week in Guatemala. We stayed in Antigua, where we visited an active volcano, Pacaya. This was amazing, we hiked over lava rocks for about an hour till we got half way up. We was about 10 metres away from the red hot molten lava coming down. It wasnt moving really fast but it was still moving. I chucked a stick in which a carried up and it burst into flames straight away, cool. They let you get as close as you wanted, the heat was so intense. No health and safety what so ever. This is probably one of the coolest things we have seen so far.

Also in Guatemala we visited Coban, where we swam in crystal clear lagoons and climbed down waterfalls by rope ladders.
Then we headed to Flores, where we visited the Mayan ruins at Tikal. Just like in the film Apocalypto. This was also amazing. We got up at 3am to get to the ruins in the middle of the jungle before sunrise, just as the jungle was coming to life. The howler monkeys where so load, they sounded like lions. Got some really cool photos of here.

Well thats all we have been up to. Next time i update we will be in New Zealand, hopefully with jobs and doing alot of snowboarding.

Take care guys

Neil and Lisa x x x


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