ohhh escuela.

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June 7th 2006
Published: June 7th 2006
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things are going well. a little slow and sleepy today, but well.

yesterday i had my first mexico hoy class. it was really interesting because the professor talked about what we were observing about mexican culture - the driving, trash, machismo (the thinking that men are superior to women), etc. after that, we went home and had la comida, and then a nap (of course..) and then we went to café social, which was at a restaurant where a bunch of students from universidad internacional went to talk a little. it was fun. after that we went to emily, lindsay and lindsay´s house to watch orgullo y prejuício (pride & predjudice).. they had bought it from the falluca, so it was pirated, with spanish subtitles. pretty funny, especially when the subtitles were completely wrong. and when the movie cut off awkwardly before the movie really ended. hah. ohh mexico. then, leslee and i took at 30 peso ride home that lasted about 1 minute. oh well. then we got back, and were hungry so we found some food on the table and ate it. we are really hoping that it wasn´t dog biscuits.

today, there is no hot water because there was a leak in our bathroom and people had to come fix it. therefore, i am pretty gross, having not taken a shower since two nights ago. yuck. 😊 in my grammar class we played scrabble. i´m pretty bad at scrabble anyway, and trying to play it in another language pretty much humbles you. 😊

after my class, i´m headed to my mexico hoy class, and then my conversación with a native speaker - arturo. yesterday we talked about natural disasters. i feel like i should know a lot more about my country than i do. hopefully today we will talk about something a little more upbeat.

i am looking forward to another nap today. i don´t know why i am so tired all the time! hopefully it will wear off soon enough 😊

hope you are all having a wonderful wednesday!


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