Whitehorse - Yukon Territory, Canada

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June 19th 2011
Published: June 23rd 2011
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We left Beaver Creek on another cold and wet morning and headed off to Whitehorse. It was a full day on the bus but we made a stop at <insert name of place here>. It was a town of 800 people but they had an amazing amount of facilities there. There was a convention centre and a curling rink so weddings and sport was well catered for. We had some tasty turkey and salad sandwiches in the convention centre hall and then headed off down to check out the visitor’s centre and bakery at the other end of town.

Later in the day (around 4:00pm) we arrived at a place called Uncommon Journeys. This is a place where you can learn to manage a sled dog team and go mushing. The owner there gave us a very informative talk on the life of a sled dog and mushing and then we got to go and play with all the Alaskan Huskies. These dogs are no longer purebred malamutes or Siberian huskies. Today’s sled dogs are various crossbreeds bred for speed and stamina and given the common name of Alaska Huskies. We had a lot of fun cuddling all the doggies. The owner gave a demonstration of mushing with the team of dogs pulling an ATV (all terrain vehicle) as there is no snow this time of year.

When we arrived at Whitehorse, we checked in to our hotel and had a bit of time to walk around the city and get something to eat at a nice Italian restaurant we found before heading back to the hotel for some sleep before tomorrow’s early rise.


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