Washing Day

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August 6th 2010
Published: August 20th 2010
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Today was washing day. We did the laundry, we took showers, we washed the truck, there was a dog wash at the carwash so we washed Daisy, too. Then we hung all of Daisy’s beds and pads from the clamps that hold floormats to be washed and sprayed them all down with power wash and rinse. We set them out to dry because it’s actually warm and not raining. We got groceries for the next leg of the journey. At the grocery store, the carts are kept under a cover, which makes sense in the winter. All the caart are hooked together by chains. When you want a cart, you have to put a loonie in a slot and turn the key and then you get your cart. When you’re done with the cart, you put it back in the chain, turn a key, and you get a loonie back!
We went to the Visitor’s Center and turned in our Yukon Gold books for a chance to win two ounces of Yukon gold! We’ll find out in September sometime, if we won. Another project was to fix Daisy’s crate so that the sides are soft. We found out that when she rides, her face is up against the plastic. After one bumpy day, her eye was a little swollen, so we’re padding it for her. Hopefully the worst of the bumpy roads is over. While we were in the store looking for padding, we noticed that there is a HUGE section for ice hockey gear and clothing.
We drove over to the fish ladder to watch the salmon through a viewing window, but the fish were not going up it today for whatever reason. Rich asked why people fish for salmon 1000 miles upriver here, if they actually start to deteriorate after two days out of the ocean. The fish and game volunteer said, you can’t eat the fish unless you dry it or smoke it, otherwise it’s too mushy.
One of our other amusements was trying to identify the different Canadian accents - French, Scottish burr, hint of British. Also, there is a difference in cadence and choice of words - like “This till is closed.”


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