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May 26th 2010
Published: June 8th 2010
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The fireworks for the 2010 Olympic Torch Relay
I haven't written in ages, and I do suppose that is because I haven't gone on a big trip in a while.

One might say I've dropped off the radar. Despite being in one spot for well over six months, I still run into friends in Montreal who are surprised to find out I'm here. My Montreal-based family here still assumes I'm off traveling even though I've been in town since last September.

So here's a short recap of what I've been up to over the past 9 months:

- Arrived back in Montreal just in time to compete with all the students looking for apartments. I finally find a cheap place in's alright but just doesn't hold a candle to the Plateau!!

- One of my best friends got married and I ended up being a last minute bridesmaid in her Cambodian wedding. Several hours later our knees were killing us but it was amazing to watch and be a part of the ceremonies!!

- On a trip back to Goshen, NY, I was informed that I was to play tour guide to a Swiss friend's son. Hi Martin! So down to NY we
The Torch!The Torch!The Torch!

The torch came right past us!
went, walking past Times Square, SoHo, Ground Zero, hopped on the ferry to Ellis Island and snapped a few photos of Miss Liberty, got a few photos of the Brooklyn Bridge, then headed back towards Times Square to meet others for dinner at the Hard Rock Cafe. We had maybe too much fun, when at the end of the night our bill was split into food, beer and liquor, each of which was staggeringly high! Never trust a menu with no prices!!

- Dave came to Montreal for the Christmas holidays. We welcomed him with a surprise party at Pub St Paul in the Old Port, then got all patriotic as we waited for the Olympic Torch to come through Place Jacques Cartier. She ran right next to us!!!

- Holiday dinner at a friend's place where we stuff ourselves with raclette, then lunch in Mt St Saveur the next day. We also spent a few days relaxing and playing in the snow at a friend's cabin in the Eastern Townships.

- Christmas in Goshen, NY, trips to the Big Apple with friends, and a January road trip to Washington, D.C. to see Emily and to cheer
Touch The Torch!Touch The Torch!Touch The Torch!

We proudly got photos with the torch
on the Habs as they played the Capitals (We lost that game...but boy did they make up for it in the first round of Stanley Cup Playoffs! GO HABS GO!!!)

- In the same road trip, also visited cousin Ben (Hi Ben!) down in Newport News, VA, and visited historic Jamestown.

- Traveled with Laurent to Quebec City for my mom's birthday and Carnival. Spent the weekend with Sarah, Laurent and my aunt, marveling over the ice sculptures and laughing at the crazy folk who raced in the boat races on the semi-frozen St Lawrence River! They actually had to get out of the boats to push off the ice floes! The Coast Guard must hate this event, but it was a blast to watch!

- Watched the Vancouver 2010 Olympics. GO CANADA GO!!!!!!!!! Congrats to all the athletes!!

- Nuit Blanche! We listened to poetry and got a free tour of Griffintown, checked out the arts in the Village, strolled through the bustling crowds in the Old Port, explored the 4km of underground art, and visited the Planetarium. We wimped out by 3am, but it was great fun!

- "Enjoyed" the typical Irish weather for
Candy Shop!Candy Shop!Candy Shop!

We stopped for candy after lunch in Mount St Saveur
the St Patrick's Day Parade on St Catherine in Montreal. We were soaked but we all warmed up as we crammed into the pubs with just about every other Montrealer.

- Work, work, work, and more work.

- Speaking of work, one cool thing I did get to do: I taught for a week at Rapid Lake, an Algonquin community. It was an amazing, rewarding experience and I do hope I get to go back. I laughed when I saw the Google was really in the middle of nowhere. It further confirmed that I would like to teach for a while, even in a remote community. Special thanks to Kassandra and Toro!

- Another cool work experience: I got to launch a rocket for the kids at the Milky Way Daycare. The daycare was located at the end of a very long road around an airport. There was nothing but grass fields and fences in sight. Except for one very large complex: The Canadian Space Agency!!! I got to launch a rocket at the CSA!!!

- Other work favourites: getting into the Stanley Cup spirit by discussing the games with the kids, impressing crowds of
Gingerbread InuksukGingerbread InuksukGingerbread Inuksuk

We spent one evening at the cabin making gingerbread men. Yum!
kids at the end-of-year shows, and working at the Science Symposium at the Montreal Science Centre. We made silly putty for hundreds of kids, then changed our tactic and had them do experiments instead (mostly to save our sanity). We tested bottled waters to find out if an athlete had cheated in his competition, and played with fake snow!

- Trip to Milford, Connecticut to celebrate Ginny's 60th birthday party! It ended up being a nightmare to get there (4 hours at the border, anyone?) but I had a great weekend! Milford, CT is very cute and I'd love to go back.

- Enjoying spring come early to Montreal. And an early summer too! By the time I left Montreal, we had several days hovering around 30C. And people think Canada is cold.

- Played tour guide to a friend from that trip Exmouth-Broome. Wow time flies! Have fun in Mexico, Andrew!! 😊

- Also traveled to Montmagny and St-Hubert-du-Rivère-du-Loup, Quebec, for some family time.

- Thoroughly enjoyed the craziness that is Montreal during the Stanley Cup Playoffs! Go HABS Go!!! The pubs and bars were packed, the Bell Centre sold out during away games, and police closed down St Catherine's in anticipation of the crowds and riots. Only in Montreal does the main street close for a sporting event and the arena sells out during an away game!

- And I've been also busy trying to keep in shape, looking for new places to live and new jobs, filling out paperwork to move to Australia, and planning a wedding. Oh, I've let the cat out of the bag. (sheepish grin).


Off to Australia next! Stay tuned!


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