end of vaccinations

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April 11th 2007
Published: April 11th 2007
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Just received my last shots on Friday. The egg test went well, so i decided to continue with the shots. I received my last 5 shots at the same time. Friday evening all was going well. A little tired and a little dizzy, but not much of a reaction. Then, on Saturday night, the sweats and shivers started. At about 5:00 my back started hurting and then by 6:30 i could no longer feel my legs. They were completely numb. The numbness lasted all night until the next morning.
Im glad these shots are good for a long time. The pain, the discomfort and bizare feeling of seeing your legs but not feeling and not beeing able to move them on command is something i could definately live without.

Next week I will be making some dolls and hand puppets with my students which I will then bring to the children in Ghana.

A big THANK YOU to all who have helped me and who have generously contributed to my crazy little adventure. Without you, this trip could not be possible. Thank you.

Funds are starting to accumalate, only 1800$ more to go!

I will keep you up to date with new developments. The next steps are applying for the visa and putting on some fundraiser events.

Special thanks to : mom and dad, grandparents(oma,opa, pepe) and Donna and Walter for all your help and support. All my love.

ps: Spring cleaning coming up: if you have any clothes-shoes-books you dont need, let me know, i do pick ups! 😊



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