Good day in Quebec

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September 27th 2010
Published: September 27th 2010
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Ok, i've decided. I am no longer going to be the miserable person that i've been in the past few weeks! As much as i complain about this job, it is still the best job i've ever had, and there is literally nothing this perfect for me back at home.

But at the same time, being on a ship is limiting me from experiencing the rest of my life. Its good for me in a professional sense but its kind of like being in prison, not that i've ever been in prison mind you. But i cant really meet someone because a) i have a room mate b) either them or me will leave eventually and c) i work long hours so cant see them anyway. I think i'm just missing working 8 hours a day, paying for rent and food and then having the freedom to do whatever i want to do after that. I miss my friends, people who if i was having a problem no matter how stupid would be there for me without even thinking about it, would be knocking on my door with a cup of tea and painkillers 5 minutes after i get home from work. (you know who you are)

I miss not being able to call mum any time of day or night without having to pay for a phone card and then working out how the hell you use it, and then finding the time to actually call. I miss walking to work with my ipod in, a big coat on and snow falling everywhere.

Anyway, those are some of the things i miss. I've gotten that out of my system.

Things i'm looking forward to :-

New people joining the photography team in 2 weeks time
Going to the Carribean
Going to the Bahamas
Going to Mexico and that general area
Making uber lots of money and paying of my debt
Having this nail taken out of my leg when i get home
South Africa/Australia with suzie
Having a decent video and photography portfolio when i finish my contract, and work experience to go with it

Ok so whats happened in the past few weeks?

There was another hurricane, we didnt actually go through but it got pretty close and i havent seen the ocean that rough ever in my life, it was a bit awesome really.

Uuurm, 'he' came back but i've only seen him for about 5 minutes since he did because he works nights

Today has been really good though, we were in Quebec city. Spent the morning wandering around the city with Suzie and took the camera with me to get new footage since autumn has hit canada with full force and i cant use summer footage anymore. Did our usual starbucks run. The went on a tour to Montmorency falls, Canyon Saint Anne which was epicly awesome, and then wine tasting on Isle de Orleans. I love Quebec, its by far the best place that we go on this itinery, followed closely by Bar Harbor, Maine. Nova Scota is just a whole load of boringness, unless you go to the right places and then at least its pretty.

Anyway i think i've waffled on a bit too much, and i should be getting to bed since weve got a day at sea tomorow which is going to be hell on the ocean.

Night all


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