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July 10th 2006
Published: July 13th 2006
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Hi all,

I just thought I would let you all know that we are home!

We saw the news the other day about the bombings in Mumbai and thought you might be worried about us. Well you don't need to worry we have been home for a little while and quite safe up in Muskoka where we can only really fall prey to the dreaded mozie!!

Alex and I wanted to thank you all for following our travels. We hope you have enjoyed reading about them as much as we enjoyed writing them!!

If you want to contact Al her number is 416-970-6664.
and if you want to contact me I am at 705-765-5239.
or of course our emails.

We will be keeping this site running and checking for messages over the next month so feel free to read your favourite stories over again!!

There is at least one more update to come with more photos.

All the best
T & A


13th July 2006

I'm glad you guys are home safe and sound! I cant wait to hear all about your journey...and meet T of course! xo

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