2011.05.23, Erieau Beach

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May 23rd 2011
Published: May 23rd 2011
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Erieau Beach

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Even though the weather dude predicted thunderstorms, we couldn't help but get out to the beach on Victoria Day. Fishing was on the agenda, but was soon canceled due to the powerful winds that created 5ft+ waves. This just meant more time to look around and enjoy the view that the Erieau lighthouse. After walking through the sand dunes along the beach, I remembered a Geocache I had once found here, I soon stumbled across it, and thought It would be a good one to find for anyone interested reading this . The hour we spent at Erieau was well worth it . I cant wait to return here several times throughout the summer to document more of the beach ecosystem.

*I apologize for the incorrect location, Erieau Ontario is not yet considered a location on the Travel Blog website.

Further information on the Geocache located at Erieau Beach : http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.aspx?guid=e3ab119b-a793-4bc3-8d95-a91e8cbef54c

Further information about the town of Erieau : http://eaubuoy.com/

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