Blind Channel Tidal Power Generator in the Works

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August 28th 2017
Published: September 4th 2017
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FROM AMA LOG: Monday, 8/28/17

DEPART: Lagoon Cove @ 0830

ARRIVE: Blind Channel @ 1800

WEATHER: Calm, lite winds, hazey, temp 72-75˚

PILOTAGE: We have been watching the tiny river-like passage behind us that is a super shortcut to Port Harvey, on the edge of the Johnstone Strait. Sure enough, a brave aluminum fishing boat sneaks by us just before we leave, heading the other way. They crawl, zigzagging across the narrow channel, picking their way, obviously following a known path. We wish them well while enjoying sunrise on glassy water, picking our own way through The Blow Hole and spot dolphins just after entering Chatham Channel.

Almost circumnavigating Cracroft Island, we duck into Port Harvey only to find out that they are closed for the season. Still, their beach just south of the harbor was where we saw a big grizzly last year so we stall a few hours and wait for the tide to ease up against us.

We enter Johnstone Strait for the last time about an hour before low slack and only travel about 20 miles before ducking into Mayne Passage, entering Green Point Rapids just past slack and arrive at Blind Channel in the sunshine, checking out their water turbine electricity generator (check it out on ) situated in the channel on the way by. It’ looks like some kind of child’s playground equipment but is one of the first efforts to create water generated power on the Inside Passage. Peter talked to the marina owner almost immediately on landing but the jury is out still while they try to make it work.

The owner of the striking Mysti Isles, Mike Moore spent a long time onboard Ama then showing Peter around his beautiful sailing salmon troller. It’s just like Ama but more sailboat with a schooner rig. He’s taking a dozen tourists out and back from Vancouver and the guests all stay in the marina cabins.

The Blind Channel restaurant is definitely the most expensive meal we enjoyed on our trip. Worth it because the chef certainly knew his way around NW seafood, the spot prawns, perfectly cooked (though we had to peel them at our table J) and fresh blackberries on homemade ice cream!

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