Hardy Townfolk in Port Hardy

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August 24th 2017
Published: August 25th 2017
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FROM AMA LOG: Thursday, 8/23 & 24/17

Port Hardy

WEATHER: Clear & sunny, temp about 72˚


It’s two mornings with no floorboards (again), Peter in the engine room, me handing parts or tools and generally getting in the way. After talking all night to random visitors who stopped by to admire and ask questions about Ama, I draft an information sheet about Ama and the Inside Passage Decarbonization Project (IPDP) to put in the window.

We are practiced at playing tourist while waiting on repairs and this time, with bikes, we can really check out all of Port Hardy. Though it seems smaller, it turns out that this place is more interesting than Port McNeil. For one thing, there are more international visitors and the town residents genuinely are interested in getting to know us (at least some of us). We find a terrific restaurant, Sporty's, with really fresh fish, rare around here since locals and fishermen only want steak, and good beer, which is extremely rare.

Since we were “rescued” the Coast Guard brought us to Seagate docks that is connected directly to town. It’s a short ride to just about every store. Also, Peter has fallen in love with a huge Coast Guard Cutter, “Tanu” at the dock with us. He meets the skipper and in short order has invited the chief engineer onboard to help him diagnose Ama’s problem. It looks like a housing for the thermostat, parts yet again that need to be flown up island.

After a full town tour of town, I do laundry and spend time in the library trying to focus on my book writing, Peter heads south to find a mechanic in Bear Cove, pedaling through the woods known to be home to several black bears. He doesn’t spot any but hears about the 2 young bears just spotted that morning when he got to the other side.

All goes well down below but after more conversations and details from Klassan about the problem, photos flying back and forth, we learn there is a switch broken, meaning more parts and another day in Port Hardy paradise.

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