Watson Lake

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April 24th 2006
Published: May 12th 2006
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April 24

The drive from Fort Nelson to Watson Lake is considered by many to be the quintessential Alaska Highway experience. According to Maria and Scott, this is true, in bold letters. Along the way they saw mule deer, coyote, mountain goat, caribou, bison, moose, and more hawks and falcons, according to Scott, than one could count. Alpine lakes, old growth forest, and snow-capped mountain peaks. This is the northern B.C. and Yukon experience.

Watson Lake is best known for the forest of signs indicating city limits of places around the globe. One account we saw claimed there were 30,000 signs on display.

The morning of the 25th has brought us temperatures right at the freezing mark, and a heavy wet snow. The forecast is for clearing, though, so the cars are heading out, and I expect nice flying weather after noon.


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