I'm still alive !

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March 27th 2006
Published: March 27th 2006
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It's been a while since my last entry but I'm still alive and kicking. I just haven't had much access to the Internet lately ! Sorry !

I left Sechelt/Vancouver on a bus about a week ago and am now in a little place called Fruitvale staying at my Aunty's place with her and my cousin and her 16 month son, they all live together. It's been really nice, very laid back.

I've also caught up with my other cousin who lives in Fruitvale with his young family and have spent abit of time with him. His two boys, him and I went for my first camp in Canada last night along a river. It was awesome. We made a lovely fire, cooked up some dinner and had a few beers and vodkas. It was so relaxing except last night and early this morning it was so bloody cold ! I had about 4 jumpers on, two jeans, a beanie, gloves and shoes to keep me warm but i was still damn cold ! Oh well it was worth it, a nice camp in Canada. My Cousin even took he's shot gun too just in case we had an unplanned visit by a bear during the night. Before bed, we took all the food from the campsite and put it a few metres up the road abit just to be safe. But this morning, the food was untouched luckily.

Tonight, i'm jumping on a bus and heading for Banff to meet up with my other cousin Shannon, it's so confusing i know, i've got aunts, uncles and cousins everywhere ! Once there, i'll just stay with the lady he is living with and he said he is lining me up a job in a kitchen or something. It's not the greatest job in the world, but at least it will get me paid ! I can't wait ! It will definately be different, to be on my own and working because i've just been staying with relatives so far in the month i've been here !

Other then that, since my last entry, i've just been cruising around, been out to lunch and dinner a couple of times and i've been shown a few of the local spots and townships around here.

In Vancouver for a couple of nights, I stayed in a really flash motel, very expensive, so i'm going to try not to do that again. Fun though. From now on it's backpackers hostels for me. Hahaha !

Anyway gotta run now, but take care, and i'll write again soon.



3rd April 2006

Hi Davey... good to get you blog and hear that you are having such a good time, look forward to your next entry. big hugs and xxx's
3rd April 2006

hey mate howz life over tha other side of the world??? Well hope ya havin a ball sounds like you are. Have fun Be safe and chat soon X

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