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June 22nd 2007
Published: June 22nd 2007
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ok so you know your exhausted when you fall onto the toilet because ur trying to dry ur leg...

On Tuesday i worked from 8am till 8:30pm (room attending and then Turn Down). that was ok, I did turndown with Shannon who was rather funny n made it fun. i got to check out the lake louise n jasper suites. OMG they are huge! like 4 times the size of the rooms i normally clean and the baths are big enough to fit 3 ppl in. crazy huh? so we were turning down the bed in one room and we found pubes all in one section n a nasty stain urgh! so gross! Shannon then decided to set the scene for me... dirty girl lol one room we did had a ridiculous amount of clothing in it, i swear i coulda tken some n they wouldnt have even noticed. we knocked on Mr Weiner's door (no kidding that was his name) and asked if he wanted turndown performed. he said no and as we walked away we heard him laugh n say to someone else inside that 2 girls wanted to turn down his bed for him... sheesh we do more than that! besides i bet he didnt know he was paying for it anyways bahaha jokes on him!

on Wed i worked 8 til 4:30 as a room attendent, then 5 till midnight as a steward. Thats a 16 hr shift! i got rashes all up my arms from the steam n scrubbing pots n trays and my fingers were so wrinkly... like the wrinkliest they've been in their life! but it was fun and one of the guys (Daniel) reminds me of Phillip so much, but not as dorky lol. so im hoping to get more shifts in stewarding so that i can start paying nadine back, and besides Nicole said that they can only give us 24 hr weeks coz june, july and august are gonna be slow. arrgh! how am i meant to survive?!

so yesterday i had 8 hours at work and finally made it up the mountain to be home by 6:45. i was so exhausted my eyes kept being retarded... i freaked out so many times at work coz i thought i saw people in the mirror but it would just be a lamp or something.

Jen n Kim had 2 days off so they went to Seattle. im so jealous! but they bought me a bag for alaska which was really sweet n it was only $20 so thats kool. Jen, Kim n I are going camping after i finish work on tues. im so excited! Nadine is yet to decide if shes gonna go. The family went on their annual pilgrimage to Hoy yesterday for 3 weeks of camping in fossicking, so cut that im not there. oh well there's always next year. Tomorrow if the weather is good (its raining again today) Danielle and I are going to Alta Lake to kayak wooh! that should be fun.

i think that's pretty much an update on what i've been doing the past week. oh got a memo today saying nadine n i could possibly move into a 2 person room, thatd be cool if it worked out.

hope everyone is well



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