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May 11th 2005
Published: June 27th 2005
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Anyone for golf?Anyone for golf?Anyone for golf?

teeing off on the 9th
After a stop over in LA I arrived in Vancouver where - following a delay of around 1 hour waiting for my bags - I was met at the airport by Jason, a mate from Uni. We then got the bus to Whistler where he lives and on the way saw some incredibe scenery.

Spent the next week or so in Whistler where we did some biking (cross country and down hill), skiing, tennis and general tourist stuff. Also went on a Contiki tour canoe trip which was great evern though it was about 10 deg and raining. The punters werent prepared very well and some went for a swim but all had a great time.

Got to meet lots of great people through Jason which was fantastic and made some contacts that could come in handy if I go back to work there in the winter - its not what you know its who...

As expected everything in the snow is very expensive and from what i gather pays are low. Saw a house for sale (in a prime area) that had 1 bedroom and a den for $650 000. Lots of houses are
Happy BirthdayHappy BirthdayHappy Birthday

Is that the correct amount of candles Jase?
log cabin style made from red ceader which are pretty impressive but im not sure i'd want to be in one during a bush fire!

Met quite a few Ausies and from what im told there are even more in the winter. Apparently Australia Day is the second biggest day in whistler behind NYE...oh yeh there is a meat pie store selling any flavour you want.

After about 5 days of low cloud we finally got some sunshine which meant that we could see the full mountain ranges which were pretty impressive. Would be even better in the winter.

Looked into hiring a car and are planning a road trip out east which I'm looking forward to. Hoping to see lots of wild life, especially bears and moose.

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Taking in the views along the bike trail

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