Day 1

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September 28th 2008
Published: September 28th 2008
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Day 1 of 84

We had a fairly uneventful flight and public bus transfer to our hostel in Downtown Vancouver!
I'm referring to our hostel as "Jungle Book" as it seems to have the "bear necessities", but for £40 for a double ensuite it's perfect!

The biggest surprise of the day was that Charlies bag weighed less than mine!

We managed to go for a pleasant walk along Beach Avenue and found a really good place to eat. "The Fish House" is the best of both worlds Posh & Cheap! £50 total for 3 courses, though think we were somewhat under dressed!

I think jetlag got the better of us both as the infamous "Pike" shortcut got us lost, when will Charlie learn!

I'll sign off now as Charlie should be returning from an early morning 6 miler!

Hope all is well in Old Blighty!
Martin & Charlie

PS. Please excuse spelling errors as this is being written on my iPod!


28th September 2008

Have a great time!!
Hi Guys, hope you're having a fab time already.... Stanley Park is fab - good to hear Charlie's been running already (with jet lag too?!)... nice to hear what you've been up to, enjoy Vancouver!! Gaby x
29th September 2008

Day 1 Reply
Hi Guys, Glad to hear you arrived in Vancouver safe and sound and are already settling in to the travelling lifestyle. Outstanding commitment from Charlie to go out running on the first day of the trip . . . her 6 miler sounds more appealing than my 6 mile run in the fog first thing in the morning !! So what's your excuse for having a heavier bag than Charlie . . . you don't even have to worry about a hairdryer these days !! And I thought you'd grown out of going out underdressed recently ;0) Looking forward to reading the next instalment. Dave, Teresa and the Boys
29th September 2008

Oh great... Dave's sent this to me... I can haunt you all the way around the world :D "though think we were somewhat under dressed!" Martin!!! What have I said about mooning in restaurants???? :P
17th October 2008

I am officially rubbish!!
Hey you 2, First of all Martin..Happy Birthday! I am so sorry that I'm only just sending my first message. Work is shite..blah blah. I am so pleased to hear that you are having a great time, I'm very jealous!! I hope you both make the most of this fantastic trip, I'm sure you will. Now I have finally managed to get my arse into gear, I will keep a tab on your travels and keep in touch! Take care you 2 and ENJOY!! Love Justine, Matt and Lottie.xxxxx

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