We made it...

Published: July 31st 2008
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....we got a reservation on the ferry. We had to get to the ferry terminal by 5! am, and believe it or not we made it. Unfortunately, the day is cloudy and overcast so we can't see much of the scenery. We can see the trees along the shoreline, and occasionally the clouds will part enough to hint and more spectacular views behind, but that's about it.

This has been the only cloudy day of the trip so far, but it is really making for a dull trip. Foolishly, we were not prepared for this weather and we ended up buying extra sweatshirts in 100 Mile House. The weather has been much cooler than I expected on the whole trip, even though it was sunny, and now with the rain and the ocean breeze it is really very cool.

The only interesting part of the trip was about a 1/2 hour late in the afternoon when we were treated to a display of marine life. I was napping when Candida gasped that she saw a whale. I lept up, but too late. Not long afterwards though, I did see a small group of dolphins swimming alongside the ferry, and then I started to see whale spouts off in the distance, and a few whales jumping (grey, humpback, I don't know, not orcas though). That's the most wildlife we've seen on the whole trip, if you don't count the ground squirrels and the village fox in Barkerville.

Prior to this, I saw one deer that no one else noticed, and Candida spotted a black bear that I thought was a rock! That's it!

Not much else to report for now.


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