Update on Day 2

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October 3rd 2009
Published: October 3rd 2009
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Welcome to CanadaWelcome to CanadaWelcome to Canada

Welcome to Canada

Destination Ft. Nelson... Success!!!!

We made it to Ft. Nelson!!! Today was a much better day than yesterday!! We got on the road after getting breakfast at Tim Hortons. The weather was mostly rain in the morning. It was sunny off and on, but for the most part when it wasn't raining, it was snowing! We saw a lot of beautiful country today. It was more scenic than yesterday for sure!!! As you can see from the pictures, the kids have been doing a lot of sleeping when they aren't arguing and fighting with each other! Jamie and I have decided that we are going to have to put Reggie into rehab when we get to Maryland because he has to stay drugged constantly!! There was this one river that I thought would never end. It kept going and going! When we got into the rocky mountains, it was snowing. The roads were clear, but if it were November or December, we could have been in trouble. Some of the curves and steep hills we were on were kindy scary!!! There was one spot that if you slid off the road, you would never be found!! It has been nice
Day 2Day 2Day 2

This is what the kids did when they weren't arguing.... sleeping!
listening to Jamie tell me about his trip when he drove in 2004. He remembers a lot of places he stopped and what the roads were like when he drove them. He drove in January so the roads were snow covered!

We saw a lot of wildlife today! We saw a lot of Buffalo and Caribou. We saw some sheep, but I wasn't able to get a picture because the sheep were on the side of the mountain and there were cars behind us. There were no Buffalo in the middle of the road, but there were a lot of Caribou in the road!! I also saw this huge vulcher that was eating road kill! I tried to get a picutre, but as soon as we came up on it, if took off. It was cool to see though!!! We have been paying through the nose for gas too. The most we have paid so far is $1.59 a liter! That equals $6.01 a gallon!! EEEK!!! Of course we were in the middle of nowhere and we were on 1/2 tank. We probably had enough gas to make it to the next gas station, but we were heading for the rocky mountains and we would rather be safe than sorry! Gas at Ft. Nelson is $1.13 a liter which is $4.27 a gallon. I can't get over how every time we stop for gas, we either have to pre-pay, or give our credit card before they will turn on the pumps. You can't pay outside with a credit card for some reason. This one gas station we stopped at, the lady made it seem like we were going to run off and not pay for our gas because she asked me every few seconds if I was ready to check out! Weird Canadians!! HAHA.... Just kidding Niki 😊

The hotel we are in tonight is ten times better than the one we were in last night!! I don't think we are going to have to worry about crazy teenage kids banging on our door tonight. Thank goodness!!!!!!!! I am hoping for a good sleep tonight 😊

Tomorrow we are stopping in Edmonton. That is about 600 miles. It will be our last day in Canada!! I will try and post tomorrow night when we get into Edmonton! Hope you enjoy the picures!

Additional photos below
Photos: 53, Displayed: 24


Day 1Day 1
Day 1

Welcome to Canada!!!

Sleeping again!!!
Day 2Day 2
Day 2

Watson Lake
Day 2Day 2
Day 2


3rd October 2009

i'm loving your blog. this is one of my most favorite road trips. so beautiful and the fall colors...amazing. the gas thing is fairly new to us too! we encountered it when we were last home in april. weird i know! apparently it's a new "law"....whatever!! glad you are enjoying your trip and keep posting your comments and pics. miss you!
4th October 2009

I loved your pics...looks there is some really beautiful country you are driving through....I hope you get to stop and enjoy some of it. We drove to California a couple years ago and it was a lot of fun....but we did not have snow to worry about or 3 kids and 2 dogs so enjoy what you can. be careful!!...LOL
5th October 2009

your blog
I am so glad you all are closer than ALASKA. I know you all enjoyed your time their but it is good to know you are closer. I wish I had been their on your trip, me and Jamie would have talked ourselves to death. lol lol! Anyways, good pics and blog. Have a safe trip guys.

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