travel pre-ramblings

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May 9th 2006
Published: May 9th 2006
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After all of my travels, I've realized that my interest in a particular country or culture dramatically increases with a visit to that destination. With that in mind, I've decided to embark on a quick one month jaunt to Greece & Turkey (and make the most of my Classics/Classical Archaeology minor of my undergraduate degree). My fellow journey-er will be Janice, a former roommate (from last year's dig in Italy) and friend from Ottawa who recently got her MA in Classical Archaeology from the U of A.

Our goal is to hit up many-a-beaches and great archaeological sites (on the well-beaten travel path). As such, my riveting blogs will not be full of profound insights on poverty or the bleak state of man but will contain ramblings on one ancient ruin and crumbling stone after another.
Up first though - further exploration of my backyard. I am excited to visit Ottawa and Montreal as my previous experiences of these places have been when I was not of legal majority and viewed aboard a Chinese bus tour(for those of you not aware of the images associated with this... chinese bus tours involve riding aboard a coach bus emblazened with bright and tacky lettering, packing in as many typical touristy-cash-grab places as they can, and topping off the evening with a communal dinner at a chinese food restaurant). So for all of you not interested in other people's views on your backyard... stay tuned after May 18th when my blog will be broadcast from Greece and hopefully more interesting.


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