Hi guys i'm still alive...just!!

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December 16th 2008
Published: December 16th 2008
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Hi guys sorry for the lack of updates, life here has been very hectic to say the least!

So, first news is that the temp got to -38.4 degrees C this morning, I can tell you that it feels cold. But it does wake you up first thing! It was so cold that my hair froze solid in the 20 secconds it took me to get from my room to the bus.

Lake Louise is amazing, I can't belive that i've been here for 6 weeks already. Time is flying by at a rediculous rate.
Our flat is now full, and i'm sharing a room with a guy called Gonzalo who is from Peru. He is ok but i think life here is very different to what he is used to, he also doesn't like the snow because its dangerous but he seems to be enjoying himself none the less.
Work is great, we're starting a night shift at the weekend which will be good. The plan at the moment is to do a week of days (from 7.50 am till 3.00 pm) then have two days off before doing a week of nights (3.00 pm untill all the skis are serviced). So when i'm working nights i should be able to ski untill 3 in the afternoon!
My new favourite hobby is skiing through thigh deep powder in trees, what a feeling! I have skied every day of the season so far except for the Saturday of Mens world cup. I think thats about 36 days now! The weather is so cold that the hill doesn't open untill 11am and even then only the lower runs open untill late afternoon.
We have about 50cm of snow around the village which is amazing, its so cool to be living arround snow and cold and winter, i'm loving it.
I can't belive that Christmas is next week it has totally crept up on me i still feel like its the end of October and that i've only just got here, now thats madness!! I never thought that time could go so fast.

The temp here is about -30 at the moment so I'm all prepared for another cold night, I never thought i'd need to wear thermals and a hat for so much of the time.
I'll write again soon I prommise. Merry Christmas to everyone i'm thinking of all of you

Aly x


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