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August 18th 2009
Published: August 19th 2009
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Ice FieldsIce FieldsIce Fields

Crow''s nest glacier
Bill woke me up just before 9 am to let me know breakfast was almost ready! What a treat to have someone else cook breakfast and the coffee already on. After breakfast, Bill headed into town for work and Maggie and I had a great visit, while Otis had fun chasing all the cats outside! After the laundry was finished, off to Golden, to visit with Bill before heading out on the road.

Left Golden around 1 (happy with reconnecting with Bill and Maggie), and back up to Banff and onto the Ice Fields road! Glacier after Glaciers! It was something else. Made it to Jasper in time for supper! And finally some wild life on the road! Saw some cute sheep (you should see them jumping onto the rocks, up and down the hills!) and another elk. Along the road to Manning, saw a coyote as well.

Tonight was to be a driving night, and around midnight, stopped in Peace River to find a room! All booked up or wanted to charge an arm and a leg because of the dog, so back on the road and up to Manning! The first room they gave us, had a bed, that someone had slept in and dirty towels...back to the front desk to get another room! This time with 2 beds! You should have seen Otis when he realized he had his own bed! Knocked my clothes onto the floor and took over the other bed!

It is now, 1 am, so off to sleep!

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Wild animalsWild animals
Wild animals

elk...all alone
The skyThe sky
The sky

the sky...around 10 pm!

20th August 2009

Congratulations Julia, you are doing exactly what you set out to do and I am thrilled for you. The blogs are great - pictures fun to see and Otis is clearly digging being a 'road dog' - what great company. miss you - look forward to hearing all the stories when you get home. wishing you fun adventures and safe travels. love, Laura

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