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April 29th 2006
Published: April 29th 2006
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Hello !! It's been a while since my last Entry. Sorry about that. Well, we finally left Banff yesterday and are now in Calgary. We stay here one more night, then Shannon and I fly to Montreal tommorrow arvie. Can't wait ! Banff was a real blast ! I loved it so much, but I spent abit of money there though, just partying and having a great time. We got to know alot of the locals and we hung out with them heaps having a few beers and we even had a few awesome BBQ's with em'. The last two weeks in Banff were the best because Shannon finished working and the weather was so unreal, so nice and sunny ! We spent alot of time just chilling out in the park sunbaking and listening to music. I actually got a little sunburnt, just like being at home. I've been lazy as I haven't started working yet but I definately plan to work in Montreal as soon as I get there. Bloody dole bludger I am eh ! hahahah !

Calgary is a pretty good city, there are so many different sorts of people around - young people, old people, rich people, homeless bums, you name it, it is full of life ! Last night, Shannon and I went out for a few drinks and the Calgary Flames (Ice Hockey) were playing in the playoff's on TV and this one main street was just full of Flames Fan's, it was incredible, it just reminded me of when the State of Origin is on at home, just crazy. Canada definately loves their Ice Hockey ! The Flames ended up losing though, so their were alot of sad people around afterwards.

Anyway, I'll write again from Montreal and hopefully put some more photo's on for you.

Take Care - Dave


15th May 2006

Hey Davemate howz things?? All great here. Nothing really changes. Maddi is still cheerleading for the cowboys, who have had a few losses. Deacon is growing 6 months now. Im same Shannon is same. Bout time you updated your shit.....we miss hearing from you. anyway Later mate Take care xxxx ohhhh thanks for your postcard was awesome

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