Leaving on a Jet Plane

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November 11th 2005
Published: November 11th 2005
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Charlie the CactusCharlie the CactusCharlie the Cactus

Having already grown strange claws, what will he look like when I get back?
Two Days before I leave, and I thought I would just send out a quick hello and goodbye to all my friends and family I am leaving in Calgary!

My trip is mainly 2 parts:
1. A trip to Nexen's CPF (Central Processing Facility) in Yemen - Work Stuff
2. A side trip to see Sarah in Spain - Fun Stuff

In between I have stopovers in London, Dubai, and Frankfurt. Hopefully a weekend in Paris will happen too!

I'm really looking forward to both aspects of my trip because for one, I finally get to see all the people in Yemen I talk on the phone with on a daily basis, and the fact that I finally get to touch some wellheads, and really see how my work in Calgary really applies. Secondly, after months of banking vacation time, I will get to see beautiful Barcelona!

While I am away, I hope to update this blog every few days, and show pictures as I go along too!

My next entry will probably be in the early morning hours at a stopover in Dubai. I hear I have internet access in my hotel room. Stay tuned!!!

Lastly, if you aren't interested in getting any of these blogs, just send me a message though this site. I'll take you off the list. See you in a few weeks!


15th November 2005

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