Squirting the Bird

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January 8th 2007
Published: January 8th 2007
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We're in Calgary drinking bad tequila and eating Boogie burgers. No one is dead, but frankly I miss the helicopter already. Also, please note that "squirting the bird" is the new slang for using the internet or sending any electronic signal via satellite. Example: "Hey adam, just gonna pop out and squirt the bird, meet you for lunch at 3."

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8th January 2007

squirting the bird ?!
Hey guys just remember the more bad tequilla you drink the better Calgary gets. Plus in Mexico is were you'll refine your tequilla taste buds. Just remeber to think of your buds back home. Hitting the Hill tomorrow, I'll put a moment a side to think of how you'd probably like to be on the hill like me, and I would definetly rather be on my way to Mexico with you. Ya you guys definetly win.
9th January 2007

squirting the bird is for nerds. Go smoke Signals!
9th January 2007

Squirting the bird
Ya, sometimes I squirt the bird three or four times a day. Squirting the bird is revolutionary! Hell, I'm squirting the bird right now.

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