Leaving Banff

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May 30th 2005
Published: May 30th 2005
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So Kate and I are finally leaving....in about half an hour actually so this will be quick. The last week in Banff has been great. We finnished up at Sunshine on Monday. Went up to watch the slush cup which was classic. Some great costumes and huge splashes. Then after all the punter went home we got to party. Sunshine put on a great night, we had a pig on the spit for dinner, it was so good. Spent Tuesday recovering then on Wednesday we went white water rafting on the Kiking Horse river. It was so much fun. Unfortunatly the river wasn't running very high, but was still managed to get wet from head to foot and get stuck on a rock. One of the highlights of this day was we saw a black bear and her two cubs.......it was so cool the cubs went running up a tree and mumma bear looked over her shoulder and scouled at as..(if bears can scoul that is) She wasn't happy with us any way.

So the next day felling a bit sore from rafing we decide its a good idea to go on a hike. So about 6of us head up to the gondola and start on the 5km hike straight up Sulpher mountain.........phew it was a hard walk but well worth it. The views where amazing. So after a bit of a break up the mountain we decide we will go the long way home down the back and around the base of sulpher mountain.....10KMS LATER we stager into banff about 5 hours after leaving. It was a great day but we where all paying for it the next day. I was a nana I could hardly walk!!!

Then on Saturday it was my B'day!!!!Thanks to those of you who sent a message. Love you. Kate, Kandy, Kathleen, Cole and I all went up to Calgary for the day. It was cool to be in a big city again. We went shopping and great sushi for lunch and Kate and I got Jobs at the Calgary STampede. So we have to go back to Calgary on July 8th we are both Non mix Bartenders so it sould be a good time. We bought a great tent to live in for the next five weeks as well

Sorry I don't have time to put any pics on the page. I'll try put some on next time. We've managed to get a ride to Jasper with Kealy and Holly, Two cool chicks from Sunshine. And we seriously leave 15minutes ago.

Love you all take care and have fun.



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