Blogs from East, Iraq, Middle East - page 2


Middle East » Iraq » East » Baghdad November 29th 2011

I'm still somewhat chastened by the HUGE response to my posts about Manila- 80,000-plus hits and more than a thousand comments, 99% agreeing with me, the rest mildly offensive (I publish those with real names attached - most don't have them) and a tiny minority of four girls, Filipina rich kids, resident abroad who were so egregiously abusive I was lost in despair at what they represent. What also amazed me is the number of folk who had the time to comment on what was essentially a trivial moan after a bad trip... but then again, you could ask the same question of me. Why bother to write this stuff? Actually I only do it for fun when hanging around in a Costa Coffee shop at some airport like I did the other day in Dubai ... read more
Erbil City Centre
The Citadel - Erbil

Middle East » Iraq » East » Baghdad July 30th 2008

Today was the first day of the conference. We got up early to get breakfast before the conference started. Breakfast was the usual fare - eggs and bacon. The conference was held in the Aw Faw palace on Camp Victory. I cannot talk about the conference but I can tell you about the palace. The city of Faw lies on the Aw Faw peninsula in the far southeast of the Basra Provence. Water canals from the Shat Al-Arab River turned the land into an agriculturally rich region. Its oil facilities made it one of Iraq’s major oil exporting ports prior to the 1984 Iran-Traq war. Because of its strategic and geographic importance, it became a target for Iranian control. In February 1986 Iranian units captured the port of Aw Faw. Saddam Hussein vowed to eliminate and ... read more
Inside the Palace

Middle East » Iraq » East » Baghdad July 29th 2008

We arrived at our layover destination about 0200 and had to catch a bus to the helicopter terminal to get our connecting flight. Our helo did not leave until sunrise so we slept in the terminal on the benches for a few hours. As the sun rose we took a bus to the flight line. There were helos everywhere - as far as the eyes could see. Our bird was named the “Hillbilly Deluxe,” which is not as cool as “Bachelor’s Delight” but was a great helo. We watched the crew do their flight checks and then boarded the chopper. After we were settled the Chief fired up the engines and the rotors began to spin and blow dust everywhere. The Crew Chief bungee corded the doors open so that we could fly in the open ... read more

Middle East » Iraq » East » Baghdad June 20th 1275

Traveling from Persia, I have decided to embark on a journey from my home of Baghdad to visit the various settlements on the coast of Africa in search of economic opportunity and to invest in the extensive trade there. I will be traveling by land as well as by sea. The main purpose of my journey is to do trade with the various cities I will encounter, and establish my trading company in those areas. My first stop will be in Mogadishu. A major trading hub, here I hope to affiliate myself with other trading companies, in the exchange of animal goods in particular. Rhinoceros horns, ivory, and tortoise shells are highly valued items in Baghdad. Along my journey I also plan to stop in Mombasa and Zanzibar. Other items I hope to be able to ... read more

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