Basic Itinerary

August 24th 2010
Published: August 24th 2010
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We are in the final planning stages for our 2010 adventure in Europe... Here is the itinerary as we think it will play out. Obviously, the wedding day is set and some of the time we have reservatons.

Sept 2 - leave SeaTac
Sept 3 - arrive Iceland
Sept 8 - fly Iceland to Amsterdam
Sept 13 - pick up car and head east into Germany
Sept 14 - arrive in Berlin
Sept 18 - on to Dresden
Sept 19 - Dresden to Prague
Sept 21 - Prague to Regensburg, Munich and Bavaria
Sept 26 - begin heading south and then on to the Romantic road and the Rhine and Mosel river regions, then west toward France
Oct 7 - arrive Parthenay, France
Oct 9 - Wedding Day for Danielle and Max
Oct 10 - off to Paris
Oct 16 - move on to the Normandy Coast area and a week of exploration
Oct 23 - begin the final leg of the journey back to Amsterdam
Oct 28 - return car
Oct 30 - fly Amsterdam - Iceland - SeaTac

So, we are getting packed, reading the last of the travel books from the library and having nightly dreams of the fun and adventures that lay ahead.


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