
August 25th 2009
Published: August 25th 2009
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Worboys Famıly World Tour

Hi all,
Sorry for not actually having posted anything yet (and for discovering that Joe's entry before we left was never actually published - oops!) Anyway, hope you're all well...! Before I start, I'd better apologise for typos as am using a Turkish keyboard which takes some getting used to. Also apologies that I can't add photos yet, but they will have to wait until we catch up with our laptops in Australia.

Anyway... marathon update coming up...

We finally got packed up (thanks to parents, sıblings etc for all their help) and the house cleaned to sparkling point. Joe and Charlie had a boys road trip wıth the pick up down to Southampton (altho they were very disappointed that they only saw it go into the freight yard without a ship in sight!) We had lots of (rather emotional) goodbyes, and in the morning of Wed 12th finally got on the plane and set off.

Romania was fab. Had a great time at the Bible School we went to over there, meeting everyone and seeing the sights. The country has changed masses since we went skiing there 15 years ago. Then there was hardly any money, and the largest department store in town had hardly any lights working, broken escalators and little, if any choice. We went back there last week and it was just like Bentalls!! Still the old town of Brasov is beautiful, Joe in particular is working out how he can buy several of the properties there.

Things we did include:
- a tour of the People's Parliament in Bucharest, the second largest buıildıng in the world after the Pentagon, and formally called The Madman's Palace after Caeucesceau (sp?) who virtually bankrupted the country to build ıt (v. impressıve though);
- a trip to a farm where the kids had their first pony ride;
- Parc Aventura (a Go Ape type tree-top "playground");
- a 3 hour hike through a beautiful gorge (Bella walked all of it, Charlie... didn't!) and
- a day at Sinaıa, a lovely town, home to pretty Peles Castle, based on a Bavarian Schloss and very ornate

When we told everyone our itinerary and said we were going to Romania first, most people were surprised as it's not usually thought of as a holiday destination. Well, apart from the fact we went primarily for the School and to visit people, I would still highly recommend it for a trip. The countryside ıs beautiful and relatively unspoilt, it is full of interesting history and the people are very friendly (Joe has asked me to make a plug for the architecture too - his favourite).

We are now in Istanbul, another amazing place! More on that to follow....

Bye for now (keep those messages coming please!) xxx

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Photos: 33, Displayed: 23


26th August 2009

Sounds great
Glad all is going so well...and you liked Romania - we still haven't made it there yet but definately on list to visit!! Hope you're enjoying Istanbul and the early morning call to prayer!! Here, we have a roof on the extension and so can start building the kitchen finally. It's not fair though - Scott's getting skinnier by the day whereas at the moment my waistline seems to be doing nothing but grow!!!!!!!!!!!! Updates soon please!! bx ps. get Joe to look up the Quins scandal with Tom Williams and co - not sure how much he picked up before he went but it's pretty messy!! Times has got a good, succinct write up. xx
29th August 2009

Glad to hear all going well
Hi again Great to see some news!!!! Obviously been very busy already - hope you have lots of memory for your cameras!!! Romania sounds lovely. One of my work colleagues comes from there, and it does sound a good place to visit (she has recently been over to Bucharest to have some dentistry done!!!) We have just come back from the New Forest - not as glam as your trips, but lovely nonetheless. Thank you for Nathans present - it was played whilst we were away on holiday - the boys do quite well playing on it together as well which is good. Anyway - looking forward to the next instalment (must have been really boring in the old days having to wait for postcards!!!). Love to all and a big hug for Bella and Charlie - hope they are enjoying themselves. Lol Rachel et al!! xxxx
13th September 2009

Hi Warboyses! How are you all doing - only just read the Romania blog and really interested to hear what you thought of the place. Sophie and I are going in Oct half term with a group from Ealing - really excited about seeing all our friends in the church out there and the countryside sounds fantastic. Also glad that it's not quite as backward as it was! Missing you all at Ealing. Ellie off to Nottingham Uni next weekend so all change for us at home! Love and God bless - Suzette x

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