Week no 9

July 11th 2009
Published: July 11th 2009
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From Conques we went on to Decazeville which is one of the drearest cities I have ever seen. No nice buildings, 4 restaurants out of which 3 were closed and the 4th smelled like urine. However, I had my hair cut there and let burn a CD from my camera chip and the people were incredibly friendly and competent. Another proof that apparence doesn't necessarily have to match the contents... In addition we met wonderful people in the gîte.
The next day we walked to a place called Felzins. As much of the Camino was on the road we decided to take a small path that was indicated on the map. Unfortunately, the map wasn't as up to date as desired and the path went on only a small bit and ended in the midst of a forest which then led to a cow paddock where we had walk through a mixture of cow shit and mud, but we arrived at the gîte safe, dirty and exhausted. It seems that we impressed the host so much that she offered to wash our clothes which we gladly accepted.
The next day led us through a great landscape with very nice weather to a camping site near Béduer, a bit off the Camino but the camping site was placed in a wonderful park and I had my own little bungalow with its own shower. There we met this wonderful couple from Australia which we met now and again over the week to come before the went to relax at the French Atlantic coast.
The next day, on the 1st of May, we had another wonderful day full with great landscapes, singing birds, the scent of a lot of flowering plants and lots of good weather, so we arrived in a very good mood in Cajarc, had much wine, good dinner und a wonderful sleep.
From Cajarc we went on to a place called Les Moulins which consisted of a mill in ruins, a farm and The Gîte with a host lady as nice and sparkling that, would she be Champagne, she would be sold out in no time. And in no time she made Wolfgang's bad mood disappear (and he was in a horribly bad mood when we arrived).
From Les Moulins we walked to Cahors where we made another one day break.
The walk itself was very exhausting and went uphill downhill all the time but through an absolutely marvellous landscape.
In the city of Cahors there is this huge bridge which is a master piece and next to it a restaurant where we spent a lot of time drinking wine and looking at the bridge. Next to the bridge there is a fountain, a very big one as it is already a small river when it starts and immediately after the beginning it flows into the river Lot.
The next 3 days were mainly marked by 2 events:
I had 3 days of diarrhea so I could enjoy the walks through wonderful landscapes only in a limited way.
Then I completed 1'000 km, which made me quite proud of myself.
We went on the the town of Moissac where we spent another day of break. André, whom we left behind in Cahors because his feet were covered with blisters, caught up with us here in Moissac, only to say goodbye to us because he wanted to walk alone, much to our dismay. However, after all, Wolfgang and Andrea had laughed publicly so much about him that probably, there was no other solution. He explained this to me a few days later.

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