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October 31st 2006
Published: November 12th 2006
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Great Orme SummitGreat Orme SummitGreat Orme Summit

Top of the world...
Arrive to Llandudno (North Wales) around 3pm, Mrs Groves (Wendy) and J's brother Joel were waiting for us with open arms and huge smiles!!!!! This town is so pretty & green just how we've imagined it....
J's family home is amazing & huge..We have a great room with ensuite, the greatest view !

This week and a bit has been amazing & unforgettable.....
We've partied really hard with of course Mr J, brother Joel & Sarah, Tim 'Sweetman' and even Mr & Mrs Groves!!!! It was so much fun......
We were taken around to see historical sites, castles, excellent meals (our fav: fish & chips) and plenty of cups of tea!!!!!
To say thank you to this great family we took them to a fine restaurant 'The Osbourne' right in the centre of town where we also had the chance to see a great display of 'fire works' as it was 'bombfire' night in town...a tradition in Wales!

Mr Sweetman's mum, lovely & friendly woman with a huge smile invited us around for an amazing lunch and the best table display of food we've ever seen.... it felt like Christmas dinner (sorry TEA)
Home made truffle oh oh!!!....delicious!

We had the chance to go to Chester, walked around and saw the sites...a real typical english town. Meet J's best mate 'Locka' and watched him play a great basketball game....He plays in the british league.
Tim joined us for the day as well as the Groves...

Also while in Llandudno visited the Great Orme Summit with awsome views, and went on the Orme tobogan slide (where Jos & J killed it trying to break an olympic record : ) & Jos almost came off it....)
Me on the other hand enjoyed the view, taking my time getting to the bottom...

OH! Can't forget KYSER , baby of the family...thou we all thought 'J' was!

We let the pics speak for themselves....

Leaving was hard!!!!!!!!! But when you travel and see so many people and places its never easy...
But there will be a day where we'll return and be together once again!!!!
True friendship NEVER dies.....

Until next time SOON Wales!
'See you SOOK'

Additional photos below
Photos: 43, Displayed: 23



Our first big nite out in town....
Killed the dance floor...Killed the dance floor...
Killed the dance floor...

Please note: those red drinks on the other photo are called SNAKE BITES ... and they were like POISON! Hhhhhhhaaaaa...

Aussie style

Feel the love with Mr Sweetman...
Joel: HERCULES of Wales!!!!!Joel: HERCULES of Wales!!!!!
Joel: HERCULES of Wales!!!!!


13th November 2006

MARIELLLLA MISSING U LOTS GIRL ahahaha u so damn photogenic =p lads are looking FINNNNNNNNEeeeeeeeeeeee ahaha love u lots take care of urself MWA... ahahhahaa have loads of fun... but cant wait till your backkkkk =p n i'll be 18 HAHAHAHA xoxo

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