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December 3rd 2008
Published: December 3rd 2008
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So its two weeks today we'll be jumping on a train and then jumping on a plane!

Weird few weeks - passports were sent off last month to the Chinese Embassy fo our visa application to be processed... yet, no sign of passports returning! The turnover time was supposed to be 3 days but apparently that was a load of cobblers so fingers crossed that my PP returns (as promised by STA Travel) tomorrow with a nice big visa stamp telling me its fine to hop over into China!

Just finished printing off a load of hostel info so figured it would be a good time to log into the bloooog and do a quick update! Test pack is sorted and done, hostels booked, flights booked, accomodation elsewhere all but sorted and everything seems to be going gravy except passports!

Leaving do on the 14th is rapidly approaching and can't wait to hopefully see the uni folks! 😊

And then its time to leave...

...weird thinking that I'll be away for 6 months. Keep wondering how much here will change...maybe they'll have actually finished building St Davids 2...

...won't hold my breath...

Don't know what else to say at the moment really, just that I'll try and keep this blog as regular as possible when I'm away!

Peace out for now!

Love to your mothers!


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