Glasgow Conference, then on to London!

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June 21st 2008
Published: June 21st 2008
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Okay....where was I...oh yes, if you have read my previous message about my grand arrival in Glasgow I'll pick up the story from there.

The CIVICUS conference at the Scotland Exhibition Grounds was quite a smashing event. It is incredible to see so many civil society organisations and NGOs coming to gether in such a powerful event. These are some of the brightest and most passionate peole you ahve ever met and they are almost all people like ourselves who do this work for the love of it - not to earn income. The motives are so pure and it is a true pleasure to be involved with all of these folks. I made many connections that will be helpful for One Child's Village although too involved to discuss here.

I would like to mention a wonderful couple named Gary and Andrea McNutt (and their two delightful kids) from Salt Spring Island who were there at the conference as well. It was nice to meet some fellow Canadians there. They were true humanitarians and Gary was involved in professionally filming large portions of the event. I was very busy throughout the two days and I only really had a chance to visit at length with Gary as I was leaving the convention centre on my last day there. He asked to do an on-camera interview and say a few words, which really turned into a longer 10-15 minute monologue on my part (for those who know me, I am never short on words....😊). At any rate, it turned out well and he and Andrea invoted me out to Salt Spring any time to visit them and stay, as well as to possibly speak some time at a convention they may be holding soon. Either way, it was a wonderful new friendship and our network only continues to grow and increase.

The ride back to London on the morning of the 20th was less eventful than the first round. I decided to change my route and take the train across to Edinborough instead, then south to London from there. I got ot see the east oast of England this time. Very nice and the ride was smooth and uneventful, although slightly crowded. I had a "general seating" ticket and so had to move every station when someone got on who had purchased a specifically reserved seat. In the last leg, for about an hour, I rode sranding up between cars in the luggage area. No problem though, I had a great view out of the door's huge glass window! 😊 At least my luggage was secure this time. I picked up an additional 30 pounds in brochures at the conference (and 2 pounds on my butt) and have to figure out some clever way to alternate these conditions before I get on the plane on the 22nd.

I arrived in London about 5:00 pm, took the Underground from King's Cross station to Paddiginton, then walked only a block and a half to my hotel. The room was quite nice and compact, and serves me well. I took a cab over to meet with an associate at 7:00 pm and we had a very successful business meeting. His name is Sacha Stone and he will be an enormous aid and support to my work on the Global Commons project. We have agreed to meet again this evening at about 8:00 pm for supper. Until then, I am just going to steal about 7 hours from the world and hang out in London for the day. My first spot will be at Brick Lane on the east end, and I will then work my way back to downtown, Hyde park, and then back to Paddington. Having lived in London for 6 months before, it is always like coming home for me.

My flight goes out in the morning (June 22nd) at about 11:00 am, so I will have to be up early, packed and on my way to Heathrow by 8 or 9 am. I arrive in Nairobi about 8:00 pm, then have to get over to the Parkland Sports Club in Nairboi where John Amendi will meet me and sign me in as his guest registrant at the club. I got an email today from Moraa and she has booked me on the 8:00 am flight the next morning to Kisumu, so I will have to be up at 5 am that next morning to make it back to the airport and off to western Kenya. Charles will meet me there and I can see the school for the first time.

It is not likely that I will get to access the Internet again until I am out in Bumala, at the hotel, and even that may be questionable. So if you do not receive any further posts from me for about 5 days then you know why. I should be back in Nairobi again on the 27th or so (my itinerary is in the early post from June 14th) and I will definitely try to post again by then.

Okay, then, I am off to check out London for the day and gather some strength for the next couple of days, which will be tough traveling. I will talk to you all again soon! 😊



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