Walking The Way: Day 2

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June 3rd 2008
Published: August 27th 2008
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The Trail: Day 2The Trail: Day 2The Trail: Day 2

West Highland Way, Scotland

Easter Drumquhassle to Balmaha to Rowardennan: 16 miles

God, I ache. My training philosophy of not training, but "saving" energy for the walk, was probably not the way to go. First things first. I woke up about 7am, packed up my tent (no midges...no worries), dropped off my bag (freedom!!) and started out toward Drymen for some breakfast. I also figured I would pick up a map there, hopefully, since there are a few intersections where The Way is not marked. Plus, I would have some idea how far I had traveled. I ran into a couple from Belgium, who also camped in Easter Drumquhassle and walked with them into town. They were carrying packs, so I would get a day ahead of them, since they were not going the entire 16 miles today. I found the outdoor store, bought a map and some skin so soft (for midges) which ended up costing me $32 total. I should have planned better and ordered the map and insect repellant online before I left. After having a full veggie breakfast and a cappucino ($8), I set out to find the trailhead. I walked alone for over 10 miles, only passing a
Someone's Driveway: Day 2Someone's Driveway: Day 2Someone's Driveway: Day 2

West Highland Way, Scotland
pair of German women along the way. I actually received a phone call from my sweetie, Jimmie, back in the States, while I was walking up a big hill. What a difference it was not carrying my bag. I can't even imagine lugging that thing up this big hill. When I started my descent (with the first good view of Loch Lomond..which I would follow for a couple of days), I ran into the Scottish couple, Janice and Ian, I had met the night before at the campground. They had full packs. I walked with them into Balmaha. We sat and had a cappucino ($3) and then I had to keep moving since I still had another 9 miles or so to walk. Since they had their packs, they were stopping in 2 miles to camp. Alone again. I only saw a few other people walking the rest of the day. I walked and walked and stubbed my toe (really hard) and walked some more. I finally arrived at the Rowardennan Hostel around 6pm. The hostel ($30) was nice. I ended up in a 4 person room with two older German women that were there before me and took two
Leaving Drymen: Day 2Leaving Drymen: Day 2Leaving Drymen: Day 2

West Highland Way, Scotland
top bunks. When I took a bottom, one of the women said that it was taken. I told her we were the only ones in the room, so it was free. She then started complaining about being old and climbing to the top bunk, so I reluctantly offered to move to the top. She and the other lady both took bottoms. They would later repay me, at Bridge of Orchy, with a taxi ride, but that is another day. I set out charging up all my gadgets for the next day, took a shower, and hit the sack. It was the longest day I would spend on the trail. My feet were aching.

Additional photos below
Photos: 24, Displayed: 24


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Cows: Day 2

West Highland Way, Scotland
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West Highland Way, Scotland
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West Highland Way, Scotland
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West Highland Way, Scotland
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West Highland Way, Scotland
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West Highland Way, Scotland
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Bori's snack: Day 2

West Highland Way, Scotland
Me halfway up a hill: Day 2Me halfway up a hill: Day 2
Me halfway up a hill: Day 2

West Highland Way, Scotland
Me and Loch Lomond: Day 2Me and Loch Lomond: Day 2
Me and Loch Lomond: Day 2

West Highland Way, Scotland
Trail Friends: Day 2Trail Friends: Day 2
Trail Friends: Day 2

Janet and Ian. West Highland Way, Scotland
Down into Balmaha: Day 2Down into Balmaha: Day 2
Down into Balmaha: Day 2

West Highland Way, Scotland
Leaving Balmaha: Day 2Leaving Balmaha: Day 2
Leaving Balmaha: Day 2

West Highland Way, Scotland
Milarrochy Bay: Day 2Milarrochy Bay: Day 2
Milarrochy Bay: Day 2

West Highland Way, Scotland
Stone Wall: Day 2Stone Wall: Day 2
Stone Wall: Day 2

West Highland Way, Scotland
Flowers: Day 2Flowers: Day 2
Flowers: Day 2

West Highland Way, Scotland
Ben Lomond: Day 2Ben Lomond: Day 2
Ben Lomond: Day 2

Many people bag Ben Lomond along the Way. Not me. West Highland Way, Scotland
Trail: Day 2Trail: Day 2
Trail: Day 2

West Highland Way, Scotland
Almost There: Day 2Almost There: Day 2
Almost There: Day 2

West Highland Way, Scotland
Rowardennan Hostel: Day 2Rowardennan Hostel: Day 2
Rowardennan Hostel: Day 2

My digs. West Highland Way, Scotland

Tot: 0.232s; Tpl: 0.014s; cc: 21; qc: 105; dbt: 0.0933s; 1; m:domysql w:travelblog (; sld: 1; ; mem: 1.3mb