A run around the park

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January 13th 2007
Published: February 7th 2007
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When I signed up for the run, the course description sounded like a nice run around the park...I didn't realise there was hills involved! Stil I managed to finish the 5k course in 45 minutes, which seeing as though the wind seemed determined to blow me off course or backwards, i felt quite proud off. :-)

In the afternnon, my legs were aching that badly I was only fit for visiting the gym, to lie in the whirlpool all afternoon!

At night, we went to the Royal Lyceum to watch the Miller's "All My Sons". Having studied Miller at A level, I had to confess to never having read this play, but was still amused to spot similar themes to his others. I thoroughly enjoyed the play and would recommend it to any theatre goer. We had been worried that booking on the day meant limited view of the stage, but at £10 each for box seats, you can't complain!

Beforehand we had eaten at a thai restaurant across the road. Although the vegetarian menu wasn't as wide as the Thai restaurants I'd visited previously, the service was good and the sticky rice with melon was delicious :-)


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