Scotland with the Parents - Highlands to Fort William

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September 23rd 2007
Published: November 3rd 2007
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Sunday, we drove up to Fort William, which is a town in the highlands. Basically, we were sightseeing our way there. We stopped at Luss, on Loch Lomond and walked around the town, and onto the pier. Stopped at another castle, but as we were kind of castled-out, we didn’t go in. The highlands are really pretty. We stopped at Glencoe, and at the Glencoe Visitors Centre, where we saw a 5 minute movie on the Glencoe Massacre of the MacDonalds by the Campbells and English soldiers.
In Fort William, we stayed at an old hotel that I thought smelled like a retirement home, or just really moldy. Mom thought it used to be an insane asylum, and went as far as asking a cabbie if it used to be used for anything before changing to a hotel. The cabbie was just really confused. That night at the restaurant, the three of us tried haggis for the first (and probably last) time. Haggis is known as the national dish of Scotland, having sheep’s pluck, mixed with onion, oatmeal, spices, all traditionally boiled in an animals stomach. I don’t think they cook it like that anymore, though.

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3rd November 2007

Just what the hell is "sheep's pluck"? I didn't know that was in there.

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