A Visit with Seamus Heaney

Published: April 29th 2005
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Okay, so maybe I didn't really visit with him. But he (Seamus Heaney, the Nobel-Prize winning poet laureate of Ireland) had a poetry reading at a branch of UL in town yesterday, and I went to see him! He was so cool-- I'm really glad I went! Seeing him was particularly exciting because I'm taking a class on him and WB Yeats right now and have become quite familiar with his work. And how often do you get to see the literary greats you read about and study and write papers on? I mean, really! So, yesterday was quite an exciting and fulfilling day!

I've also had a fairly eventful week, for me. Not that I've done anything particularly exciting, but it's been enjoyable. Sunday, Chris and I made dinner together (we've decided our meals are so good, we're going to open up a restaurant!), Monday, I went to my last Christian Union meeting AND did a skit for it (so sad! I'll miss my friends there! But it was fun!), Tuesday I went to Bible study and then hung out with my St. Paddy's Day Irish friends until late into the night plotting how to take over the world (we're going to do it with these very tasty treats here called Jaffa Cakes), Wednesday I watched Shrek 2 and made homemade cookies with a friend from CU, and yesterday Chris and I made dinner again-- boy we're on a roll! Tonight, Audrey, Mira, Chris, and I will be making dinner yet again-- I can't wait for whatever feast awaits us!

I'm now officially done with my fourth paper of five. Only one more to go, and three exams to prepare for in the third and fourth weeks of May. After that, Spain and France, hopefully. A long-time pen pal of mine who lives in France said I could come stay with her in Bordeaux for basically as long as I want when I'm done, but I'd also like to swing by Spain, too, if time and money hold out. I think they will!!! So I'm looking forward to that.

Tomorrow, I leave for Scotland, which I think will be loads of fun. The minister in the church group I'm in at USC has in-laws in Edinburgh who said I could stay with them, and by the e-mail they sent, they seem very nice! They even said they would pick me up at the train station when I get in from Glasgow! How wonderful!

I get back from Scotland on Wednesday, have a tin whistle performance with my music class that night, and THEN my parents arrive early on Thursday morning. How fun is that? So, I'm going to do my best to show them around Ireland and give them a good time while I'm at it!

Most of my classes are cancelled for the second week of May (supposedly it's reading week, but some lecturers are still holding class), so during the latter half I want to go to Sligo to do some hiking. I'm planning a one- or two-night trip with some friends from CU, so we'll see how that goes! I also found some kinda cheap flights to Copenhagen where my buddy Rachel is studying, so I'd like to hop over there sometime, too, but I don't know when or when she leaves! PLUS, I do have to study for exams SOMETIME, because if I don't study at all the likelihood of failure increases. Though I do only have to pass, I don't want to do ZERO studying and actuall FAIL. Ah, but, it shouldn't be too much work, I hope. Everything will work out in the end, I'm sure!!

All right, well, I have to go into town and stock up on some granola bars for my trip and pick up last week's paycheck. Yay for trips, and I'll give an update on Scotland as soon s I get the chance!


30th April 2005

Studying is over rated!! You should come to Copenhagen! (That's kind of like a poem...it has a nice little rhythym) :) - Rachel

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