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June 23rd 2009
Published: June 23rd 2009
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Cheshire CheeseCheshire CheeseCheshire Cheese

Jaime, Rachel and I under the Cheshire cheese sign.
Tuesday June 23

To start off our last day here we had breakfast at "Paul" which was nice because it was the first place we went to for breakfast when we got here and now it is the last. After breakfast, we went to Fortnam and Mason's which is a nice department store in Piccadilly Circus. It is like Harrod's but with out all of the crowds. We then had a light lunch in Trafalgar square by the fountain. After walking around for awhile and letting our food digest we had tea at the Victoria and Albert museum. I really love it there, it is one of the most beautiful museums I have seen. We headed back to metrogate to do some last minute packing and to give our feet a rest. For dinner we went to the "Cheshire Cheese", which is one of the oldest pubs in London and is located in the "City of London" area. We wanted our last meal be a traditional English meal, so I got fish and chips and Kelsey, Jaime and Rachel got pies. After dinner we went over to our local pub for a drink.

This has been a wonderful trip!
Cheshire CheeseCheshire CheeseCheshire Cheese

A close up of the sign.
I am so glad that I decided to participate in the program. It has been so much fun. I have met some really great people and done some really fantastic things. I am going to miss the hustle bustle of a big city and especially the pubs and the tube. It will be nice to get back to Mexican food and no bank charges though.

Thank you all for reading and for your wonderful comments. We leave London tomorrow morning and arrive in Chicago at 5:30pm and get to Arkansas at 7:05pm, 1:30am London time.



24th June 2009


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