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June 22nd 2009
Published: June 23rd 2009
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Hampton CourtHampton CourtHampton Court

The back view of the palace
Sunday June 21

We had a really relaxed morning, Jaime and I had a light breakfast at a pastry shop down the street from metrogate and afterward we hung out for a few hours until it was time to met up with Rachel and Kelsey to have lunch at this really yummy organic deli called "Jakob's". There was a free music festival today, so we decided to head over there and see what it was about. It was so much fun, a bunch of museums in the area all joined together to present free music to the community. We saw a folk band, a music and art demonstration and a swing band. The swing band was my favorite, I didn't know they were English until a few songs in because they were so good. We stayed there for about an hour and half and then ate at dinner at the really tasty burger place "Byron's."

Monday June 22

We got an early start today and took the train over to Hampton Court, which is one of the places Henry VIII lived when he was king. We have seen so much on Henry VIII this summer, and I found
Hampton CourtHampton CourtHampton Court

Front view
out today that it is the 500 year anniversary of his ascension to the throne. That explains it. It was nice there, but it wasn't my favorite palace. We have seen some spectacular places and Hampton court did not match up, it was also children's camp day or something so that definitely did not help. After Hampton Court we came back to metrogate and had dinner our local pub "The Queen's Arms". Tonight we went to see the last show on our list at the New London Theatre. It was called "War Horse" and it was absolutely amazing!! It used puppets that looked like real horses and animals. It was, visually, one of the most beautiful plays we have seen this entire trip. We leave London for Arkansas on Wednesday morning, so everyone has been packing and getting themselves together. We have gotten so much done on this trip that we have literally worn ourselves out. We are spending the night in to pack and rest and we have a fun day planned tomorrow for our last day/night in Londontown.

I will keep you posted.


Additional photos below
Photos: 6, Displayed: 6


Hampton CourtHampton Court
Hampton Court

A group of us inside of the maze at hampton court.
War horseWar horse
War horse

The outside of the New London Theatre

The street we are staying on in Kensington.

The outside of metrogate

23rd June 2009

Oh how fun! III
Yay! You're coming home! Let's play on Thursday!

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