travel day 10: Stonehenge, Windsor palace, and Salisbury by way of London

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June 3rd 2006
Published: June 5th 2006
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went on another day trip tour. first we went to Windsor palace where queen Elizabeth lives most of the time. i don't know if its just me, but overall, palaces and castles are boring and all have the same flavor. the tour lady kept saying how busy the queen is and how she has a lot of work. BULLSHIT. all the royal family does is show up to events and act interested. i could do that! anyways, you should see Windsor because it is the palace to see imo. Salisbury is a nice town and cool to walk in but we mostly were there to spend time at the church. now maybe it is just because I'm a Jew, but churches creep me out and I'm only into really gothic looking scary ones at night that i could take kewl pictures of. could have skipped that. now Stonehenge is really something to see. Ive always wanted to see it and was excited once i saw it. it isn't as big as i thought, but you really could understand that aliens probably did it from the area around it if that makes sense. there is a history of crop circles there and there really is just grass fields there and nothing else. you cant actually go up to the stones though unless you are a part of some special tour. you get to walk around it though which is good enough imo. anyways, while i was walking around it, i saw a cute brown bunny eating grass. i walked up slowly to get a better look and to take a picture with my camera. now if you know me, I WOULD NEVER EVER DO SOMETHING TO PISS OFF ANIMALS! i was at a BIG distance away from the bunny and some asshole mid age guy kept screaming no to me but i didn't turn my head or acknowledge him. i just kept walking to take a closer pic of the bunny (IT NEVER NOTICED ME AND IT STAYED IN PLACE!). once i finally got my picture, i walked back around Stonehenge. the cunt shook the finger next to your thumb as if i were a child. i said huh and just walked away. now I'm assuming he thought i shouldn't bother the rabbit- which i never did. but I'm sorry, no one is THE BOSS OF ME. i am an adult and i don't need some asshole strange guy who probably afterwards, got pork chops and a burger telling me not to get close to a rabbit (i must have been at least 20 feet away). my only regret is not either mooning the guy or giving him the finger. that's basically how i spent my day. i came back to the flat exhausted and just went to sleep and slept in my clothes and didn't shower. i smelled like shit too.


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