Warwick... Warick is how is it should be spelled! What are those crazy brits thinking!

Published: March 12th 2005
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Hello Everyone!
It feels like it has been ages since I wrote in here. I think it has only been a week in reality. It’s been a long messy week and I am glad to be home in my nice warm bed with Murphy (my stuffed pink dog). Have been writing papers since Monday and have had little sleep. I officially have the crazy eyes! (Little life aquatic reference and if you have not seen that movie get on it!). In celebration of being done for the term I thought I would bother you all with my interesting trip of Warwick!
One again slacker Amber and I stayed up till 3 am before our trip! We had to be up at 7! Oh NO! Woke up and ran to good ol Holly. Threw on my clothes and ran to the coach. I think everyone was on, but me. I am glad I am a slowly and it’s hard enough for me to be to class on time when it starts at 10! Hopped on the coach and slept the whole way (or at least I think I did...). Arrived in Warwick and it was off to the castle. This girl Alex (who is my great slacker friend and we tick each other off when we miss class! It is brilliant! I mean the guy who leads the lecture wears the same outfit every week and has grey chest hair! I don't trust that he knows his stuff if he doesn’t realize that he is wearing the same thing every week!). Anyway... The sun was out all day.. ah... sun.. The castle was amazing. Alex was afraid of the peacocks and I guess they are vicious killers. I am not too sure because I have had no personal experience with them.
The first place we visited in the castle was the torture chamber. Those Brits are pretty creative as far as ways to get info out of people. You just rack them up there and stretch their body out. Not shabby I know!
The best part of the castle was the creepy wax people. I still think they are real. It is either cocoa beans attacking me or crazy wax people. The nice part about where the crazy fake people were was it was warm! Amber of course had to buy some gummy candy. Just sticking that in there for her due to her sugar addiction. Chocolate cake anyone?
After Warwick if was off to Stratford Upon Avon. Amber and I did not realize how knackered we where until we sat down to watch the play "the Crown." It was all about British Kings and Queens and there were five people who just talked about them on stage. I was trying to keep my eyes open and I look over and there is Amber with her head on her arm asleep. I wanted to laugh and then realized I was too tired. Then my head fell forward and eyes closed. It was a good nap till intermission. We tried to wake ourselves up by grabbing a diet Pepsi. When we got back we change seats. Bad idea because I fell asleep on the poll and then Amber fell asleep on me! We are a bunch of lazy daucers! Then it was off to our hometown of McDonalds where we had tea and I had a nice muffin!
We slept the whole way home on the coach and then got in my bed and slept again. Wait I think I am gong to take a nap now because I just wrote this blog! Night!

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29th March 2005

Hey Julie, I finally got around to reading your blog. That's awesome that you would take the time to share all of the stuff going on over there. I'm totally jealous that I can't share them with y'all in person, but I guess we're all blessed in different ways. (For instance... I can have pancakes whenever I feel so inclined *Muahahaha!* ... hehe sorry, that was a little mean of me). Well keep Amber in line for me, and keep posting when you can. - Court

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