I have to be at the airport in an hour.....

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February 18th 2006
Published: February 26th 2006
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So it's half 6 on Saturday morning....I should probably be doing sensible things like checking I have my tickets and passport or that I can actually stand up with my backpack on...but no, I'm on here checking that I can actually use this blog and I'm not just fooling myself. So this is just a practice and not necessarily indicative of the standard of the rest of the journal over the next 6 months...promise...

Thanks to everyone who wished us well, and you all take care...drop me a line every so often so I know people are actually looking at this thing!

That's it for now, not much exciting news from Weybridge, I'll try and update from San Francisco...


right, let's see if I can manage some photos.......

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