Day 2

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September 2nd 2006
Published: September 3rd 2006
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We're writing this a day late in Simon's Uncle Willy's back garden and already the memory of yesterday's VERY WET ride is fading.

But it was WET and hilly. Some of the hills south of Exmoor were so steep it felt like you were about to go on a rollercoaster ride. We had only managed 40 miles by 3pm, having got lost, had a broken spoke to deal with and also hill after hill after hill .... At our lunch stop in South Molton, we still had 70 miles to cover before bed, it was raining, it looked like there were going to be more hills as we were still in the middle of Exmoor and it was now 4pm.

But we made great time in the afternoon, mainly thanks to the B3227 between South Molton and Taunton being (we think) an old coach road. It was mercifully flat and we shifted for the first time that day, leaving Devon behind and crossing the border into Somerset (see picture).

Once passed Taunton, we headed north east across the Somerset Flats and by the time we were 5 miles from home, our moods had sufficently improved that we treated ourselves to a truly well earned pint in the Castle in Wedmore. As darkness fell, we received a very warm welcome from our B&B in Cheddar and went off for a delicious (if spicy) Thai meal.

109.45 miles
15.3 mph average
49.0 mph max (Andy)
7.08 saddle hours


Tot: 0.088s; Tpl: 0.009s; cc: 11; qc: 48; dbt: 0.0471s; 1; m:domysql w:travelblog (; sld: 1; ; mem: 1.2mb