Dunster Castle and a silly idea!

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March 20th 2013
Published: March 20th 2013
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It made a strange change to leave Georgie behind and head off in a car for the day….

Woolly says – Ian’s Mum very kindly lent us her car and Ian took great joy in whizzing round the small lanes of Somerset while Jo and I turned a mild green colour, we were very grateful to arrive at Dunster Castle in one piece. Feeling a bit peckish we took the short walk into the town centre and settled down in The Castle Coffee house, ordering a full breakfast each, I crunched away on Jo’s toast while we split the paper between us all (I do enjoy a bit of celebrity gossip!). Fully sated we first wandered to the old yarn market, a beautiful round building which is incredibly well preserved we then walked up to the castle keep showed our National Trust cards and found our way into the castle, a castle has existed at Dunster since the Norman times, with an impressive medieval gatehouse and ruined tower and amazing rooms it was the home of the Luttrell family, who lived there for 600 years. As we followed the tour round the castle we were greeted with the most amazing ceilings, showing craftsmanship of high degrees, we found ourselves suddenly in a 1950’s kitchen, it seemed so out of place within so much beauty. We found a beautiful carved staircase….

Ian and I had to laugh when Woolly got told off for sliding down the bannister….

Woolly says – that was a momentary lapse!! As we continued following the route we found ourselves in the leather gallery, all the massive paintings were on tanned leather, we giggled at some of the faces depicting the story of Anthony and Cleopatra, Anthony’s moustache was a total hoot! We set off round the grounds and found a footpath to a pets cemetery where we paused for a moment before following the pathway higher to the castle reservoir (sadly it is now empty but it supplied water for the castle and the whole town once upon a time), climbing upwards we found a lovely garden with a small tower giving stunning views of the Somerset countryside and of the tower on the opposite hill which Ian told me had a secret underground tunnel from the castle to the tower – that would be so much fun!

Finally tearing ourselves away from the castle we headed to the car (there would be no problem parking Georgie), Woolly had his new I Spy book out and was running round the car park…..

Woolly says – I found loads of cars to tick of and had the brilliant idea that instead of just ticking off cars I should have my photo taken with each make of car as well, ace idea. Jo didn’t appear to agree and stood shaking her head in despair whilst Ian and I set about my mission.

Dragging Woolly by his scarf and pleading with Ian to stop taking pictures of peoples cars we sped back to Dulverton to make ready for Tintagel for tomorrow’s adventure.

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